Mediterranean archaeology

Ânforas do Mediterrâneo Oriental em Faro (Ossonoba). Novos dados para equacionar o comércio durante a Antiguidade Tardia

Roman Pottery / Late Roman Archaeology / Late Roman Pottery / Late Roman Pottery in Hispania / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Late Roman Amphorae / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Amphora trade routes / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Late Roman Amphorae / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Amphora trade routes / Roman Archaeology / Antic Technology


Roman Economy / Trade / Roman Trade Networks / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Anfora / Stamped Amphora handles / Roman Amphorae, Roman Trade, Archaeology of Northern Italy / Roman trade, commerce and the economy / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Roman trade / Anfore / Roman trade, commerce and the ancient economy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Ânforas / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Ánforas Béticas / Época Romana / Roman History. Roman Republican History. Roman economy. Roman Law. Roman Prosopography. Livy / ánforas / Amphores / Comercio romano / Roman trade in wine / Amphora trade routes / Roman Archaeology / Amphores De Lipari / Anfore Romane / Anfora Dressel 1 / Anforas / Roman Fish Sauce Trade / Amphores Romaines / Antic Technology / Roman Amphora / Amphorae / Anfora / Stamped Amphora handles / Roman Amphorae, Roman Trade, Archaeology of Northern Italy / Roman trade, commerce and the economy / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Roman trade / Anfore / Roman trade, commerce and the ancient economy / Ancient Roman economy, trade and commerce / Ânforas / Arqueología romana / Roman archeology / Ánforas Béticas / Época Romana / Roman History. Roman Republican History. Roman economy. Roman Law. Roman Prosopography. Livy / ánforas / Amphores / Comercio romano / Roman trade in wine / Amphora trade routes / Roman Archaeology / Amphores De Lipari / Anfore Romane / Anfora Dressel 1 / Anforas / Roman Fish Sauce Trade / Amphores Romaines / Antic Technology

Alimentação, História e Arqueologia, consumo de azeite em Roma

Food and Nutrition / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Arqueología / Historia Antiga / Amphorae / Arqueologia / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Antic Technology / Amphorae / Arqueologia / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Antic Technology

Introdução, Literatura, poder e imaginários sociais no Mediterrâneo Antigo

Ancient History / Mediterranean archaeology / Historia Antiga

Arqueologia, viticultura i consum de begudes alcohòliques: els primers vins de Catalunya (segles VII-VI aC) (Revista d\'Estudis d\'Història Agrària, 26. 2014)

Archaeology / Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula / History of wine / Phoenician trade / History of wine / Phoenician trade

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller · Falko Daim (eds), Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems

Complex Systems / Byzantine Studies / Ancient Networks / Byzantine Archaeology / Ports and Harbours / Mediterranean archaeology / Medieval trade / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Harbour Archaeology / Ancient Ports and Harbours / Roman Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Medieval trade / Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology) / Harbour Archaeology / Ancient Ports and Harbours / Roman Archaeology

\"Cerámica gris orientalizante de Carmona\".

Archaeology / Prehistoric Archaeology / Pottery (Archaeology) / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Prehistory / Tartessos / Prehistory / Tartessos

O caso do edifício republicano do Castelinho dos Mouros (Alcoutim) – Um exemplo de arquitetura mediterrânica no Baixo Guadiana?

Roman Villae / Mediterranean archaeology / Roman Architecture / Castellum Republicano / Algarve Romano

\"Comercio y consumo de productos púnicos en tres ciudades turdetanas: Caura, Ilipa y Spal\".

Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Mediterranean archaeology / Protohistory / Protohistoric Iberian Peninsula

2015. №3. Stratum plus: Oriental Style: from Assyria to Etruria

History / Ancient History / Archaeology / Experimental Archaeology / Anthropology / Historical Anthropology / Art History / Zooarchaeology / Bioarchaeology / Geoarchaeology / Material Culture Studies / Landscape Archaeology / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Archaeological Science / Funerary Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient Near East / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Cultural Anthropology / Kurgans / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Scythian archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Iron Age / Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology / Scythians / Settlement & Landscape research / Historical Anthropology / Art History / Zooarchaeology / Bioarchaeology / Geoarchaeology / Material Culture Studies / Landscape Archaeology / Epigraphy (Archaeology) / Archaeological Science / Funerary Archaeology / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Death and Burial (Archaeology) / Ancient Near East / Late Bronze Age archaeology / Cultural Anthropology / Kurgans / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Scythian archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Iron Age / Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology / Scythians / Settlement & Landscape research

Expansão fenício-púnica no Mediterrâneo Central e Ocidental: realidades próximas e distintas

Ancient History / Postcolonial Studies / Mediterranean archaeology / Phoenician Punic Archaeology

El vaso geminado de Cova dels Assedegats (Vimbodí i Poblet, Conca de Barberà, Tarragona). Adenda a Soriano y Amorós (2014)

Prehistoric Archaeology / Mediterranean prehistory / Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology) / Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology) / Ceramics (Archaeology) / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Middle Bronze Age / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Bronze Age / Prehistoric Mediterranean Archaeology / Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Early Bronze Age (Archaeology) / Mediterranean archaeology / Middle Bronze Age / European Prehistory (Archaeology) / Bronze Age / Prehistoric Mediterranean Archaeology

Domesticação e difusão. As origens da dieta mediterrânea

Mediterranean prehistory / Mediterranean Studies / History of the Mediterranean / Mediterranean archaeology / Mediterranean diet

Two Dressel 20 Stamps From Piddington Villa, Northampton, U.K.. REVISTA DO MUSEU DE ARQUEOLOGIA E ETNOLOGIA, v. 4, 1994.

Ancient History / Roman Britain / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Amphorae (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Historia Antiga / Amphorae / Roman Spain / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Antic Technology / Arqueología / Historia Antiga / Amphorae / Roman Spain / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Roman Amphorae / Antic Technology

Genealogia do discurso patrimonial em torno da dieta mediterrânica

History / Sociology / Nutrition and Dietetics / Anthropology / Foodways (Anthropology) / Nutrition / Public Health Nutrition / Cultural Heritage / Sociology of Food and Eating / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Anthropology of Food / Food History / Unesco / Mediterranean Studies / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Intangible cultural heritage / Food and Nutrition / Mediterranean / History Of Food Consumption / History of the Mediterranean / Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture) / Sociology of Food / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Human Nutrition / Sociology of Food Systems / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Dietetics / Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics / Mediterranean diet / UNESCO world heritage / Archeology / Antic Technology / NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA / Nutrition / Public Health Nutrition / Cultural Heritage / Sociology of Food and Eating / Social and Cultural Anthropology / Anthropology of Food / Food History / Unesco / Mediterranean Studies / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Intangible cultural heritage / Food and Nutrition / Mediterranean / History Of Food Consumption / History of the Mediterranean / Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture) / Sociology of Food / Trade / Mediterranean archaeology / Archaeology of Mediterranean Trade / Human Nutrition / Sociology of Food Systems / Amphorae / Wine and Olive Oil Production / Dietetics / Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics / Mediterranean diet / UNESCO world heritage / Archeology / Antic Technology / NUTRICIÓN Y DIETÉTICA

Daszewski, W. A., NEA PAPHOS 1990. REPORT

Cypriot Archaeology / Mediterranean archaeology / Hellenistic Pottery / Hellenistic architecture / Nea Paphos Excavations / Hellenistic wall painting
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